Coming Home- A Holiday Novella Read online

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  “Okay. Let me know if you need me to show you why it’s time for you to settle down here.” Natalie smiled before wrapping me in a hug. “I’m so glad you are home, Ella.”

  “I think I am too, Nat.” I stepped out of the car and shut the door, waving as I headed back into the house of the one man I never seemed to make happy.


  After spending all of Sunday at home, I was ready to get out. My dad had been home for part of the day and acted as if he hadn’t made me feel two feet tall just the previous night. He never seemed to remember if he was an ass. Maybe he just didn’t care. I had no idea. I’d spent most of my life trying to figure out a way to make him happy with me. I prided myself on being a strong woman, but something about my dad trumped that. I hated it. Natalie had been on call and lying low after the late night, so I was on my own.

  By Monday morning, I was restless and needed to get out of the house. I hadn’t had a chance to do any Christmas shopping before leaving Arizona, and now I had nothing but time. Grabbing my keys and purse, I headed out to my car, glaring at the snow that seemed to fall constantly. How had I grown up here and never been irritated by it before? Natalie was right my years in the southwest had made me soft.

  I pulled my scarf tighter around my neck as I trudged to my car and spent the next ten minutes brushing the accumulating snow from it so I would be able to see as I drove. When the car was heated up and clean I made my way back down to the Riverwalk area that Natalie had taken me to on Saturday. There were several cute stores that I’d seen and wanted to explore during the daylight.

  The area looked so different in the day. The place had transformed into a cute, bustling, shopping neighborhood decorated like a winter wonderland with the snow and holiday decorations. Which was a stark contrast to the hopping nightlife from before. I parked the car, fed the meter and headed out on my exploration of the quaint stores and boutiques.

  Several hours later I was feeling a lot better. The snow had stopped falling and I had found several gifts for people I needed to shop for. The air was still frigid, but my mood was so much better that the cold wasn’t bothering me as much as it had previously.

  Before disappearing into the last store, I had caught sight of a cute little coffee shop. The thought of a warm beverage seemed like heaven right now. “Ella?”

  I turned at the sound of my name and was surprised to see the face of one of my high school classmates. “Hey, Caleb!” I squealed as he wrapped me in a hug and spun me around. Caleb had been a friend in mine and Nat’s little social group. I hadn’t really spoken to anyone other than Natalie since leaving Iowa, so it was nice to see a familiar face.

  “How have you been?” He asked, stepping back and smiling at me.

  “Good. What about you? What are you doing now?” He was dressed in thick coveralls that people who worked outdoors in the cold usually did. He had a stocking cap pulled snuggly over his head, blonde hair peaking out. He looked the same as he did years ago.

  “I’m working construction. It’s a great company and I actually enjoy it. I was never the college type of guy.” He grinned and shrugged. “I thought you were in Arizona. Are you back now?”

  “I just got back. I’m not sure what I’m doing yet.” I shrugged. He nodded before looking over my shoulder. The huge smile he’d been wearing suddenly disappeared.

  “Hey, it was great to see you, but I’ve gotta get back. Take care, Ella.” Without a second glance, he turned and headed back toward the work site at the end of the road. I had no idea what just happened, but I didn’t want to worry about it now. I had a coffee calling my name, but before I could turn and open the door I felt all of the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as the warm breath blew across me.

  “Hello, Ella.”

  Chapter 5


  The temporary trailer we had set up along the Riverwalk was not bad and seemed to stay rather warm even on the coldest of days, but it always felt stuffy and I found myself venturing outside several times throughout the day. I could only look at paperwork so much, and seeing the progress of the work was what got my blood pumping anyway.

  I stepped out and pulled the door of the trailer shut. The sun was peeking through the clouds for the first time in days. The new snow looked beautiful along the river, but I knew that it wouldn’t be long before it looked dirty and dingy.

  I started walking, not exactly sure where I was going, but just enjoying the fresh air. As I rounded the corner toward the shopping area, my eyes were almost drawn straight to the woman with the auburn hair standing in front of the coffee shop. My body moved toward her on its own accord. I was almost positive that it was the same woman that I couldn’t get out of my mind since waking up alone on Sunday morning. My Ella. Fuck. When had I started thinking of her as mine? It had only been one night. As much as I told myself that, I knew it wasn’t enough. I wanted more.

  As I approached, I saw one of the guys from the construction crew grinning at her. The way his eyes roamed over her pissed me off. I had no right to be, but I was. I wasn’t used to women running out on me. I usually was the one to leave. Serves me right, bringing someone to my home for the first time.

  When I was only a couple of yards away the guy from the crew finally looked up. I couldn’t help the warning glare, and I knew that he recognized me. He quickly said his goodbyes and scurried off just in time for me to reach her. I still hadn’t seen her face, but I knew it was her. My body reacted to her the same way it had the night I first saw her at the club. I closed my eyes briefly and inhaled her smell. It was as sweet as I remembered; vanilla and spring flowers. It was subtle, yet intoxicating.

  “Hello, Ella,” I spoke softly behind her and smiled when I saw her still.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “I think we’ve already been there, baby.” As she turned to look at me, the blush of her skin became darker, and her eyes grew wide before she did her best to get herself together.

  “Hi, Matteo.”

  “You left without saying goodbye.” I raised my eyebrow, waiting for her excuse.

  “I did.” Well, I wasn’t expecting an honest answer.


  “I guess I was under the impression that was what I was supposed to do.” She shrugged. What the hell did that mean? She shivered, and I realized that she needed to be out of the cold.

  “Come on, I’ll buy you a coffee.” I opened the door to the Pour House coffee shop and waited for her to go through. She was quiet as we stood in line, stealing nervous glances at me when she thought I wasn’t looking. When it was our turn she asked for a gingerbread latte and reached for her wallet. I just shook my head and she paused before turning and walking a few steps away to wait for her drink. I added a couple pastries to the order and paid before moving to stand with her.

  We grabbed our drinks when they were ready and I led her to a table that was in the back corner where we would have some privacy. Ella sat and looked out the window, sipping on her coffee.

  “Thank you for the coffee.”

  “You’re welcome, Ella.” I waited, seeing that she was obviously thinking about what she wanted to say.

  “I didn’t think I would see you again.” She sighed. “I mean, that was the plan.”

  “So you used me for sex?” I asked, shocked. I was completely out of my element now. The tables had been completely turned on me.

  “Basically.” She shrugged before covering her mouth, trying to suppress a giggle. The sound of her laughter made me smile. She seemed so different than the girl from Saturday night, less sure of herself, but in no way weak. She sure as hell wasn’t any less attractive in a pair of leggings, sweater and boots. I was pretty sure she could look sexy in a paper bag.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been on this side of things before.” I shook my head in disbelief.

  “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.” She took one of the pastries, picked a piece off and popped it into h
er mouth, smiling.

  “Well, I know you hadn’t planned on seeing me again, but now that you have, would you allow me to take you on a proper date? Maybe dinner? Tomorrow?” I almost felt like I was pleading, but I didn’t want this to be the last time I saw her. I wanted to know her. I wanted to know why she was looking for a one night stand. I wanted to know everything about her.

  “Why would you do that, Matteo? I already slept with you. There isn’t a need to wine and dine me.” She cocked her head to the side and grinned. There was just a hint of Saturday’s girl.

  I laughed. “Maybe not, but I would like to take you out anyway. I want to get to know you.”

  “Even if I don’t sleep with you again?” She challenged. I thought about it for only a second before answering.

  “Yes.” She seemed surprised by my answer. The scary part was that it was the truth. I couldn’t care less if that wasn’t how the night ended. I just wanted to be around her.

  “Okay.” She agreed.

  “Great. I’ll pick you up at seven.” I reached for my phone so I could enter her number and address.

  “I’ll meet you there.” She pulled out her phone. “Give me your number.” She typed it in and then I felt my phone buzz. Looking down, I saw the message I received.

  This is me.

  “Are you sure I can’t just pick you up?” I asked, standing after she did.

  “I would rather just meet you if it’s all the same.” I wasn’t about to argue with her about this and chance her backing out.

  “Okay, I will text you the address.” She nodded and turned to go. “Ella?”

  “Yes?” I walked up to her and took a hold of her scarf, pulling her towards me. When she was just inches from me I whispered, “It’s good to see you again.” I stepped back and gently wrapped her scarf around her neck so she would be warm. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I stood in the window of the coffee shop watching as she walked away. I wasn’t sure what it was about her that made me want her so much. Whatever it was, I was going to do my best not to mess it up. This girl was different. More. And for the first time in my life I thought about putting in some real effort with a woman.

  “Don’t fuck this up, Matteo,” I mumbled as I walked back to the trailer and back to my paperwork.

  Chapter 6


  By the time I had gotten home from the Riverwalk I had myself in quite a mental frenzy. I’d sent several text messages to Nat, and when she finally called me back I was ready to call the whole date off.

  “Why would you do that?” Nat asked, her voice alone calming me immensely.

  “I don’t know how to date, Nat. I haven’t even had a date since before I was married.” I confessed.

  “Wait, what? You seriously didn’t date anyone after the douche-knuckle? Why the hell not?” I hated how disappointed Natalie sounded. I didn’t want to explain just how worthless I felt when my marriage broke up. It’s amazing how you can let yourself go so much and become so depressed, even when you know the choices you made were the right ones.

  When a man cheats on you, you can’t help but wonder if you were the reason they strayed. It took me a while to come to terms with the fact that Brandon was just an asshole, and would’ve most likely cheated no matter what I had done. By the time I figured it all out I decided that I was going to focus on myself and my career. I didn’t make time for anything else. Sure I had men ask me out, but I wasn’t interested, and I didn’t want to lead them on.

  “Can we not get into this right now?” I begged.

  “Okay. I’m sorry. Let’s focus on the sex god, Matteo.” Natalie laughed.

  I rolled my eyes, even though it was lost on her. “Seriously, Nat. The man is hot. He looked even better than I remembered, and that was off the charts to begin with.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  I heard the front door close and I knew my dad was home, sending a different type of dread through me. I didn’t need him tearing me down tonight. “What would I have to offer a man like Matteo? I’m a woman who has a failed marriage under her belt, runs away from her problems and has serious daddy issues.”

  “Stop the fucking pity party, Ella,” Nat scolded me. “Do you know what I see? I see my best friend who is a strong woman who took a chance on love and got burned, but did you let it break you? No. You picked your ass up without any support from your family and friends and started over. Your dad’s issues with you are not yours. They’re his and his alone.” I silently grinned through the phone. This is why Natalie was my best friend. She was never afraid to call me out and be brutally honest.

  “So, Ella,” she started again. “Get your ass all dressed up and looking as sexy as hell tomorrow night and go see what this man has to offer besides mind-blowing sex. You might be surprised.”

  “I love you, Nat. You know this, right?”

  “I do. I love you too, Ella.” She hung up and I allowed myself to take a deep breath, feeling much better. Now I just needed to figure out what I was going to wear.


  The restaurant that Matteo had told me to meet him at the following night was really nice—much nicer than I remembered the area having. It seemed that during the time I was in Arizona, my smaller Iowa city had stepped into the twenty-first century.

  I handed my keys to the valet and headed in, pleased that I’d chosen the dressy black jumpsuit. It had a low-cut neckline and shear sleeves. I matched it with a pair of strappy ankle boots, and left my hair down for it to fall in thick auburn curls around my shoulders. I felt comfortable and beautiful.

  I gave my name to the hostess and she took my coat to the coat check before leading me to the table. I saw him before he noticed me, and it almost took my breath away. The man was seriously gorgeous, and when he looked up and saw me, his eyes lit up, giving me the confidence I needed to get through this.

  Matteo stood and took my hands in his, placing a soft kiss on my cheek before pulling out my chair. “You look stunning, Ella,” he said as he took his chair again after I sat. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Were you afraid I wouldn’t?” I asked, taking a sip from the water glass in front of me, trying to calm my nerves.

  He chuckled. “To be honest, I wasn’t sure. I hoped you would,” He admitted.

  The waiter approached and took our drink orders and left us time to look over the menus. I decided on a steak. It had been a while since I’d had a good steak, and Iowa had some great beef. The waiter retuned with our drinks and took our orders. Soon we were alone again and I could feel Matteo’s eyes staring at me. “So, you aren’t afraid to eat. I like that.” He smiled, taking a sip from his scotch.

  I shrugged. “I love a good piece of meat.”

  Matteo threw his head back and roared. “I’m glad on all accounts, Ella,” he said when he stopped laughing.

  “So, Matteo, tell me about yourself,” I asked, before taking a sip of my Malbec.

  “Well, I’m a real estate developer. I grew up in Minneapolis, am an only child, and moved here around three years ago.” He took another drink. “Your turn, Ella”

  I figured I would lay it all out and if it didn’t scare him off, maybe we could see where this would go. “Well, I actually grew up here. I went to nursing school at the University of Iowa, and then moved to Arizona shortly after graduating with a doctor who I married on a whim. After he cheated on me, I ended the marriage and worked non-stop. I decided I needed a change after three years, and now I’m back here.” I smiled softly before looking down. I’d just lain my entire self out, and I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to see what he was thinking.

  “How long were you married?” Matteo asked, shocking me. There was no shock in his voice, just genuine interest.

  “Nine months too long,” I replied, looking at him again. He just watched me for several seconds before nodding and smiling. He reached across the table took my hand in his and squeezed it softly.

  “Well, I’m glad you are finally h
ome,” he remarked before pulling back so our food could be placed on the table. There was something about the way he’d said “home” that made my stomach clench. It was like there was so much more behind that one word. For the first time in years I wanted there to be more.

  We enjoyed small talk about work, things we liked and didn’t like, and by the end of dinner I felt like I’d known Matteo forever. He was so much more than the incredibly hot man. He was kind, attentive and driven. For a man of only thirty, he seemed to have done so much. He had his own company and I’d found out that he was a driving force behind the re-vamping of the Riverwalk.

  He’d asked, with interest about my job and what I wanted to do. I mentioned that Natalie had been trying to convince me to apply to the OR at Winter Falls General where she worked. I just wasn’t sure what I was doing yet. “I’m not sure if I’m staying here yet,” I admitted.

  “Where would you go?” He asked, leaning back in his chair, eyes full of curiosity.

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged. I really didn’t. I wanted my own home. The only thing I knew for sure was that, that home wasn’t at my dad’s house.

  “You’ll figure it out, Ella. Maybe you just need a reason to stay. You’ll know when you are where you’re supposed to be,” Matteo assured me, and I believed him. At least that was what I was counting on.

  When the check was settled and we had gathered our coats, we stood outside next to the valet waiting for our cars. Matteo had insisted they bring mine around first. “Have lunch with me tomorrow?”

  The valet driver drove up in my car and Matteo handed him a tip as he led me around to the driver side of my car. “Okay.” There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to see him again. He made me feel. Feel everything. It had been a long time since I’d wanted to, and I didn’t want this to end. “Where?” I asked.

  “Meet me at eleven in front of the coffee shop at the Riverwalk. We’ll eat somewhere down there.”

  I nodded before climbing into my car, thankful that the heater had kicked in. Matteo leaned down, pausing, his face only inches from mine. “Thank you, Ella. I had an amazing time.” I held my breath as he moved in, his warm lips grazing my own. It was over before I knew it and I embarrassed myself with an involuntary groan. Matteo smiled as he stood. “Goodnight, my sweet Ella.” My door closed and I drove off before I made a complete fool of myself by begging him to kiss me again.