Coming Home- A Holiday Novella Read online

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  Chapter 7


  I watched Ella’s car drive away, still feeling the soft warmth of her lips on mine. I had been completely intrigued by her all night. There seemed to be a war going on within her. I could see hints of the strong, dominant woman she was the night we had sex, but mostly there was a combination of a sweet and kind woman who was trying her best to not show the emotional scars of her past.

  When she had told me about her failed marriage, things seemed to click in place a bit. Maybe I was supposed to just be a one night stand, but I wasn’t the type of man to sit back and watch something I wanted slip through my hands. I wanted Ella, even more so now that I’d gotten to know her a bit better.

  The valet pulled up with my car and I handed him some money before climbing in and heading home. I was going to do my best to show Ella that I wasn’t just another asshole looking for a piece of ass, although if she ever offered herself to me again, I would be a fool to say no.

  Now I just needed to figure out how to prove to her that I was interested in taking this further, and get her to agree to give me a chance.


  Ella seemed distracted as she peered into the store window next to the coffee shop. She hadn’t noticed my approach, and as I reached her I couldn’t help but breathe in her scent. Her long hair hung down her back and always seemed to smell like vanilla and flowers. It was like Spring.

  “Did you just sniff me?” She turned around and giggled at my shocked expression.

  “Busted.” I shrugged. “Your hair smells amazing,” I confessed.

  “That doesn’t sound creepy at all.” She giggled again and I got lost in the sound.

  “What were you looking at?” I pointed to the toy store window she was looking in when I came up.

  “Just remembering some of the better times when I was little.” Her face looked a bit sad as she said the words.

  “What do you mean?” I asked as we started walking toward the restaurants.

  “I was just remembering how different my life had been before my mom died.”

  “How old were you when you lost your mom?” I asked, placing my hand on the small of her back so I could lead her through the throngs of people without discouraging her from talking. I wanted to know everything about her.

  “I was twelve. Things had been so different when she was alive. My dad was different. I think he lost everything that made him good and happy when she died.” She paused as we entered a restaurant and were seated. After giving our drink orders, she continued and I was grateful.

  “I have daddy issues, I guess.” She joked, but I could tell it bothered her.

  “Is that who you’re living with now?”

  “Temporarily. I’m going to have to figure out what I’m doing soon. I don’t want to live there.” She said as she closed her menu.

  I took a look at the menu quickly and decided on a burger before closing mine also. “Ella, would you tell me if things were really bad?” For some reason I got the feeling that he hurt her and that thought made me want to protect her.

  “Oh, no. It’s not like that, I promise. He’s just an asshole. He speaks his mind and has no problem telling me what a mess I’ve made my life.” She shrugged as if that was okay.

  “Well, if you need to leave for any reason, just promise me you’ll call me.”

  “Thanks.” She ordered a burger when the waitress returned and I smiled, that again she wasn’t afraid to eat. I placed my order as well, and then sat back eyeing the beautiful woman across from me.

  “So, Ella, most people leave Iowa to sow their wild oats, but you came back to do that.” I teased her. The conversation had been pretty heavy for a while, and she seemed like she needed a change of topics.

  “I guess so.” She blushed. “I don’t regret it, you know.” She lifted her chin slightly.

  “I’m glad.” I chuckled. “I’m also glad it was with me, and just so you know, if you feel the need to sow any more oats... I’m your guy.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind, Matteo.” She smirked.

  We talked about random things, the mood much lighter during lunch. Our music taste was the same and all over the place.

  “You like dancing I assume since that was how we met.” She blushed as she took a sip of her tea.

  “Actually, no. I almost never dance.” I admitted.

  “Wait, then why were you on the dance floor that night?”

  “Because you were.” I winked.


  “Seriously. I saw you walk in and I knew I needed to meet you. The rest is history.” I waggled my eyebrows and she laughed.

  “And you’ve been stalking me since.” She joked.

  “Hey, if you hadn’t run out on me, I wouldn’t need to stalk you.” I teased back. “Actually, the other day when I saw you outside of the coffee shop, it was a total fluke. One that I am eternally grateful for right now.” I smiled at her as I laid my credit card down for the bill. As soon as the check was taken care of, we headed outside.

  “Want to take a walk?” I asked.

  “Sure.” Ella had the most radiant smile, and I wasn’t ready to have her leave. To be honest, I could’ve spent the whole day with her and it wouldn’t be enough. “Don’t you need to get back to work?”

  “It’s my company. If they need me they’ll call.” I tapped the phone on my hip before reaching out for her hand. We strolled down the walkway, pausing so she could look in the windows here and there, but mostly just taking in the surroundings. We stopped briefly to watch the ice skaters at the outside rink and I explained to Ella that during the summer the rink would be converted into a splash area with jumping fountains that kids could run though and enjoy.

  “I can’t believe how much this area has changed in the past three years.” Ella remarked and I felt a sense of pride. This area had been a vision of mine that had come together better than I imagined. Winter Falls had been ready for expansion and the city had embraced it. The Riverwalk was a place where all generations seemed to come together.

  “Your parents must be very proud of you, Matteo.”

  “I’d like to think they would be.” I smiled.

  Ella turned and looked at me with concern. “Are your parents gone?”

  “Yes. They were killed in a car accident five years ago.”

  “I’m so sorry!” She gasped.

  “Thank you. I miss them, but at least I know they died together. Neither one of them would’ve survived without the other for long. They were soul mates. They weren’t complete without each other.”

  “Do you believe in that? Soul mates?” Ella asked, watching me closely.

  “I do.” I didn’t want to scare her by saying more, but I had seen that type of magnetic attraction with my parents. I knew that kind of love existed. I also knew that I felt such a pull to Ella that I needed to be around her. We had only known each other for mere days, but I could sense she was different. When I saw her the first time it was like seeing familiar eyes, even though she was a stranger.

  Ella watched me for a bit before nodding and smiling. “I think I like that idea.”

  Chapter 8


  “Hello?” I answered the phone as soon as I saw Matteo’s name on the screen. The sound of his voice sent butterflies fluttering through my stomach.

  “Good morning, Ella.” I could hear the smile in his voice and could practically see it in my head. I was smitten with the man. “I need a tree.”

  “What?” I wasn’t sure if I heard him correctly.

  “A Christmas tree. I’ve never had one. I think it’s time, don’t you?” He chuckled.

  “Sure! I’ll be over soon and we can go find you the perfect one.” We hung up with the promise that I would be there within the hour and plan on spending the day. I hadn’t seen my dad in the past day, which was fine with me. I hadn’t actually expected to come home for the Holidays and spend time with him. We never did when I lived here, so it was a relief t
hat he was so busy.

  Natalie had been picking up extra call shifts, so she hadn’t been up for much. She was catching up on sleep when not at work. I could relate. That was what I had done when I lived in Arizona. I was the one person people came to when they needed to get rid of their call. Go to the girl with no life of her own. At least it had allowed me to save a respectable nest egg.

  I took my time getting ready. Matteo didn’t know I was only a few blocks away, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to know where I lived yet. It wasn’t really even my house anyway—just a temporary place until I figured it all out.

  I arrived at Matteo’s with time to spare, and he must’ve been watching for me because just as I stepped out of my car, the front door swung open. The man was seriously stunning standing there in jeans and a turtleneck sweater. His dark hair was still slightly wet and I could see that he had a lot of curls when it was wet. There was something very boyish about it that made me smile. He leaned against the doorjamb and smiled back at me, making my stomach flutter. The electricity between us was almost palpable.

  “Hi.” I stopped just before I reached him.

  “Hi.” He chuckled as he reached out and took a hold of my coat, dragging me the few inches so he could plant a kiss on my mouth. I sighed out loud, causing him to smile against my lips. “I missed you.”

  “You just saw me yesterday.” I giggled as we walked into his house, closing the door behind us and leaving the cold out.

  He kissed me again. “It was too long.” I shook my head and shoved him when we broke apart. “You’re crazy. Go get your shoes. We have a tree to find.”

  We pulled into the Hy-Vee parking lot where a temporary Christmas tree lot had been erected. I stepped out of the car, pulling my gloves in place as I looked over the fence with trees leaning on every surface. “Where are you putting this?” I asked, focused on the task at hand.

  “I think in the main family room. It’s where I hang out, so that only makes sense.” Matteo took my hand in his as we entered through the fence.

  “It’s amazing how many trees are left. It’s Christmas Eve for goodness sakes.” I touched several branches as we walked by.

  There were trees of every size still. Some were so full and gorgeous, but the one that caught my eye was a smaller one against the back fence all alone. It was fuller on one side and the trunk had a bit of a curve in the middle. It was like the ugly duckling of trees and I knew that was the one I would’ve picked for my own.

  “What are you looking at?” Matteo came to stand next to me, following my gaze. “Wow, poor little guy.” He chuckled softly when he saw the tree I was looking at.

  “I know.” I agreed.

  “Let’s take him home,” Matteo said, and I turned to look at him, unable to hide my shock.

  “Really?” I gasped.

  “Yes.” He turned without another word and went to find the attendant and pay. Fifteen minutes later the tree was securely tied to the top of his car.

  “I have lights, but I don’t have any ornaments.” He admitted.

  “I have a great idea!” I pulled him to the front doors of the grocery store. “We are going to decorate our little ugly tree with homemade ornaments.”

  Matteo followed as I put cranberries, popcorn and several other things that we could make ornaments with. After finding everything I was looking for we went through the checkout, and soon were on our way back to Matteo’s house, both of us unable to stop smiling.

  Matteo put the tree in the stand while I popped some popcorn and set everything on the table for us to get to work. We had paper and scissors to make snowflakes with, thread and needles to string cranberries and popcorn, and glitter glue to decorate.

  “Is it straight?” Matteo hollered from under the tree.

  “I hate to break it to you, babe, I don’t think it’s going to be straight no matter what you do.” I giggled.

  Matteo stood up and walked over to me. “I like that you called me babe.” He smiled before he placed a soft kiss on my lips and then walked back to the tree to put the lights on it. I hadn’t even realized that I called him babe. It just seemed so natural with him.

  I got started on cutting out snowflakes of all sizes, decorating them with glitter and setting them aside to dry. Matteo joined me and started stringing popcorn and cranberries, alternating them on a long line thread.


  “Let me see.” I took Matteo’s finger in my hands and looked at the little puncture wound from the needle.

  “Is it bad?” He asked, smirking.

  “No, but you’re lucky I’m a nurse. Where’s your Band-Aids?” I asked.

  “Bathroom.” He pointed down the hallway. I walked to the bathroom and located the Band-Aids, bringing one of the bigger ones back so it would wrap around his finger. I made quick work of covering his tiny wound, adding a kiss after wrapping it.

  “Good as new.” I grinned before taking my dried snowflakes to the tree and tying them on. When Matteo finished with the popcorn and cranberry garland he brought it over, wrapping it around the tree. When we were finished we stood back, admiring our work. It actually looked pretty good considering what we were working with, although it had a kindergarten feel to it.

  “I like it.” I laughed.

  “Me too.” Matteo kissed me on the temple and moved to the fireplace where he went to work on building a fire. It had started to snow again, and for once I was enjoying the way it looked out the large picture window.

  While Matteo was building the fire I made myself at home in his kitchen putting together some snacks, and grabbing a bottle of wine from his wine refrigerator along with two glasses. I set everything down on the coffee table in the family room and looked at Matteo who was watching me intently. “Is this okay?” I asked as he came and sat next to me.

  “Perfect.” He pulled me into his side and sighed happily. God, this did feel perfect. Matteo switched on the TV, turning the channel to one that was playing Christmas movies all day. I lost track of how long we stayed there, sipping wine and laughing at silly holiday movies. It wasn’t until I realized I was laughing alone that I looked up and caught Matteo staring at me, his eyes dark with desire.

  The smoldering look he gave me took my breath away. Without words, Matteo took my wine glass from me and set it on the table. He scooped me up into his arms and carried me down the hallway to his bedroom. It was the same room we had sex in the first night I’d met him, yet it felt completely different this time. It felt familiar—he felt familiar. He wasn’t just a hot guy I’d met in a club. He was so much more now, and the knowledge that in just a few short days I was feeling so differently toward him was overwhelming.

  There were no words spoken as Matteo undressed me and I him, but so much was said between our looks, touches and soft sounds. We explored each other, taking our time, learning everything we could about each other. When Matteo finally donned a condom and positioned himself over me, I felt like I would die without feeling him inside me.

  He settled his weight on his elbows next to my head, taking my face in his hands. Leaning down, he took my mouth is a sensual kiss, his lips moving softly over mine, our tongues licking and teasing as he slowly sank into me. An involuntary moan escaped my lips as I wrapped my legs around his hips, not wanting to lose this feeling—this connection. It was unlike any previous sexual experience I’d ever had. More. As he began slow movements, sliding in and out of me, I felt a tear escape my eye and roll down my cheek. Matteo watched as it fell, kissing the wet trail after it was gone.

  He watched me intently as he moved inside me, giving me just what I needed. My breathing increased with the different sensations. I could hear the hitch in his breathing and knew he was just as close as I was. As if reading my thoughts, Matteo reached between us, dragging his thumb over my swollen clit, sending me crashing over in the most exquisite orgasm. He clenched his teeth, watching me ride out my own orgasm, only letting go when I began coming down. He slid in me one final time with a
deep groan, and stilled deep inside of me, shaking as he found his own release.

  I ran my fingers through his hair, placing soft kisses on his shoulders and neck as he caught his breath. Finally he rolled off of me and climbed out of bed, walking to the bathroom, returning moments later with a warm washcloth. After cleaning me so gently, he tossed the washcloth into the open hamper and climbed back into the bed, pulling me to him.

  “Ella.” He sighed. There wasn’t anything more said other than that before we both drifted off.


  “Merry Christmas, my sweet Ella.” Matteo’s deep voice brought me out of my slumber. I stretched and smiled when I felt the slight ache between my thighs, remembering the two more times we made love during the night after the first time yesterday. Each was more amazing, and slightly more adventuress, more reminiscent of our first time together, but different just the same. I cared for Matteo now. That changed sex between us, and it was better than I could’ve imagined.

  “Merry Christmas, babe.” I sat up and looked around the room. Light shone through the window, reflecting off the new snow. It was beautiful.


  “Yes.” I looked back at Matteo as he climbed out of bed, slipping a pair of sweatpants over his tight ass before walking to the bathroom.

  I climbed out of bed, going to his closet and taking a big Iowa Hawkeyes sweatshirt out and pulling it on. I snagged a pair of his boxers and slipped them up my legs, rolling the waistband a couple times so they stayed in place and waited for my turn in the bathroom.

  “You look fucking amazing.” Matteo groaned when he came out of the bathroom. “I love seeing you in my clothes.” He kissed the top of my head.